Here are the train timings for trains from Coimbatore to Mettupalayam:
1. Nilgiri Express - Train No: 12671 Departure from Coimbatore Junction: 05:15 AM Arrival at Mettupalayam: 06:35 AM
2. Coimbatore - Udagamandalam Passenger - Train No: 56136 Departure from Coimbatore North Junction: 06:15 AM Arrival at Mettupalayam: 07:35 AM
3. 3. Coimbatore
- Udagamandalam Express - Train No: 12673 Departure from Coimbatore Junction:
02:00 PM Arrival at Mettupalayam: 03:20 PM
4. 4. Coimbatore
- Mettupalayam Passenger - Train No: 56144 Departure from Coimbatore Junction:
05:45 PM Arrival at Mettupalayam: 07:00 PM
Please note that the timings may be subject to change and it is always
advisable to check with the Indian Railways website or the station directly for
the latest updates.